The art of DISAGREEMENT within the confines of UNITY.
Who we choose to have on our team, a team that is working towards common goals and the vision of an organisation, will either stunt the organisation's growth or enlarge it. Therefore we must choose wisely.
Having companions who disagree with our processes, methods and thoughts can bring about significant insight.
We must be careful to have a variety of cultures, backgrounds, age and gender.
We are only as creative and innovative as the team around us. Disagreement, within the confines of unity, has potential to stir up SOLUTION. TRUTH. ANSWERS.
Disagreement, although at times bringing discomfort, causes our minds to dive into perspective and venture along paths we may never thought existed.
Therefore we must be careful to not always choose people similar to us - like us in personality and tastes and flavours. We must be careful not to box them into our way of thinking, rather push them towards thinking for themselves.
We must choose our teams with the same heart and passion for the organisation yes, but also choose people who push us, disagree with us, train us in paths beyond ourselves. Our team becomes powerful and rich with creativity and innovation.
In saying that, it takes guts to disagree. But beyond our fear of disagreement comes the answers, the solution we have all been reaching for.
Believing that our teams, whatever they may be, will have fruitful disagreement, in the healthy confines of unity, as they move towards the vision and achieving our goals together.